On average research has shown it takes 66 days to form a habit. Some are easier than others…. I mean am I right! Growing up our parents tried to create good habit in us. Get home from school do your homework, put it away, pick out your clothes for the next day. As an adult, we don’t have someone toContinue reading “Making a Habit!”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Warmup/Movement Prep 101!
Questions to ask yourself before workouts are 1) how long is it going to be (duration/rep scheme) 2) what specific movements does it entail 3) intensity. Answering these can help determine how long, how intense and what movements you should include in your warmup. I often see people walk into a gym and get right to it. It somewhat stresses meContinue reading “Warmup/Movement Prep 101!”
Home/Travel workouts for the Holiday Season!
Rolling with the punches. Lots and lots of travel and extra work at this time of year for most. This doesn’t mean you have to completely get out of your workout routine! Many, basically all hotels have gyms – so there’s a solution #1 for the excuse of being away from your gym. All you truly need is some dumbbellsContinue reading “Home/Travel workouts for the Holiday Season!”
Workout Design pt 2.
So, lets go a little more in depth with workout design because there truly can be a million blogs, articles and studies about this! Like I said in my previous post, the workout truthfully depends on goals, time commitment, equipment available, etc and should be chosen based off of that. So lets talk about designing some workouts! I will sayContinue reading “Workout Design pt 2.”
How to Design a Workout
Well this is very broad and depends….. But we can make it a little simpler. Decide on your goals, timeline, space, commitment levels and so much more. Then you may be able to come up with a better workout that you may actually enjoy more than what you’re doing now. Write these things down, look at them often. I actuallyContinue reading “How to Design a Workout”
FRC Mobility Specialist
Functional Range Conditioning an amazing certification I received the first weekend of May – I can’t tell you nearly everything in this one post, or two. But I can give you a brief idea of what it’s all about! FRC is having the ability to control one’s self and how important this is BEFORE controlling any external load. Aka –Continue reading “FRC Mobility Specialist”
Day in a life of a personal trainer
There’s so many negative thoughts about personal trainers/the lifestyle, etc. Well I’m here to tell you what’s up. We are not all meat head, protein shake lovers. I work 40 hours a week and don’t get to take a break or look at my phone whenever I’d like during that time…. must be nice!! I had to work very hardContinue reading “Day in a life of a personal trainer”
New Year Resolutioners
Now with 2019 here everyone and their mom is going to be heading to the gym – don’t get me wrong – this is wonderful, I wish people did this always!! America would be in a way healthier place. I just want to provide some professional advice – I know you want to suddenly come everyday, which is great butContinue reading “New Year Resolutioners”
Proper shoe’s to wear!
Following up on my last post I did some searching to find shoes that are flatter and have a wider toe box – which will give your toes the PROPER space they need to PROPERLY function! (more cushion more heel strike) Not only that but elevating your heel throws off the alignment of your spine! It pushes your knees forward,Continue reading “Proper shoe’s to wear!”
Shoes – Everyone wears them, the pillows on your feet. Shoes aren’t supposed to be how we have/wear them. They should be thin, no heel lift (aka no change in height from your toe to heel) and very flexible/breathe-able). You’re probably doubting this. But it’s true- your foot should have the strength to hold itself up I mean goodness sake,Continue reading “Shoes”
Have them, make them, aspire to reach them! If you do not have goals you might as well sit on the couch right? (At least those are my thoughts, sorry) Goals allow you to have a vision- even if it’s just to feel better in your own skin, get more energy, feel/be strong. (No goal is small or unworthy) IContinue reading “#Goals”
Embrace You
I’ve always been self-conscious of my body, along with most of the world- let’s be real. It’s such a shame we do this to ourselves. What the media shows isn’t always real/attainable, if it’s not photo-shop it’s a of gallon of make-up, an injection or surgery. It’s unrealistic for us to look at and long to reach if theirs isn’tContinue reading “Embrace You”