Home/Travel workouts for the Holiday Season!

Rolling with the punches. Lots and lots of travel and extra work at this time of year for most. This doesn’t mean you have to completely get out of your workout routine! Many, basically all hotels have gyms – so there’s a solution #1 for the excuse of being away from your gym.  All you truly need is some dumbbells to get a solid workout in! Excuse #2 there is NO gym. Well you can either find one and get a day pass or for FREE make your hotel room a gym!!! Highly suggest purchasing sliders online for super cheap.  You can use them for lower body exercises, upper body and core work!  I could never leave our mobility work as well!! Hehe. They range from $7-25 online! There really isn’t one worse than the other, they slide regardless on hotel bedroom floors!

So what’s in a hotel room? There’s usually an ottoman, chair and bed in a hotel room! What can these be used for you ask!? Dips, pushups, step ups, glute bridges, hip thrusts, box jumps (ottoman jumps) if you’re feeling spicy.  Bear crawl and lunge variations can be done ANYWHERE along with deadbugs, planks and probably so much more because I don’t know everything! Sliders can be used to vary push-ups, planks, lunges and hamstring curls.  You can pick 6, 8, etc, moves, split it into circuits and do as many rounds as you can for the time you have available. You can do an EMOM of every minute on the minute you do X amount of lunges, X amount of glute bridges and X amount of pushups every minute on the minute.  Tabata – work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 complete X amount of rounds (Maybe start with 4 and work to 8).  Example Push-ups for 20s, rest 10s, complete however many rounds you set your goal to lets say 4) aka 2 minutes total, then rest 60s, go onto body weight squats for 20s, rest 10, 4 rounds, rest 60s, mountain climbers, 20s of work, 10s rest, etc! Make sense?  Or you can also just go on a walk… no major excuses here because it can be as long or as short of your time available! The options sound endless now huh!?

You didn’t think I would forget did you….. MOBILITY!!! You need NOTHING. Just the floor and your body! And let me tell you – you can do mobility for hours if you’d like. This would actually really help your body get over the airplane stiffness and “not your own bed” possible stiffness experienced by some during travel.

Lastly, I highly suggest redefining realistic goals during travel. What do I mean by this? Set REALISTIC travel goals. Say you’re gone for a week – set the goal of 3 exercises while out of town. Don’t worry about travel days unless you have a short flight and leave in the evening, there’s a chance to get in one last workout at your home base!  Try and stay hydrated throughout travel and get good sleep. These are both small things that can help you stay on track while not at home.  Setting attainable goals like these when you travel can have you feeling refreshed and like you didn’t miss much when you land back home! I also know from experience it lets you beat yourself up less – because you shouldn’t! you ARE our of routine though you CAN still MAKE time for yourself – even if it’s literally 15-20 minutes. I know I RARELY workout everyday when I’m on vacation and honestly – you shouldn’t.  It may be the needed rest you’ve been longing for!

That is all – Peace, Love, Lift.