
Have them, make them, aspire to reach them! If you do not have goals you might as well sit on the couch right?  (At least those are my thoughts, sorry) Goals allow you to have a vision- even if it’s just to feel better in your own skin, get more energy, feel/be strong. (No goal is small or unworthy) I guarantee once you start working out you’ll realize there’s something you’re unable to do or something you’d like to get better at – which will turn into a GOAL!

Find your motivation to keep you moving!!! (If you don’t move it, you lose it)

Find your why!! Because when you have to wakeup at 4am to run a race one MUST say “why?” to themselves (unless they’re crazy, which they are anyways) and with my attitude I need an answer. I HAVE to have an answer. If I didn’t I would reset my alarm, go back to bed and forget about it.  Having a why allows you to resort to it and reflect on a day you are feeling unmotivated or sluggish – you can say to yourself “bye negative mind, I can go workout even for 30 minutes because it will help me feel better/stronger, etc”.  Your “why” is also an awesome reminder when you hit your goal (and set another) and so on – the good days are when you say to yourself “ahh this is why I do this!”.  When you feel strong or that extra energy you’re longing for. THIS is WHY.

Not only will this help hold you accountable and motivate you but it will also help you pick and choose your exercises, which ones make you feel better, give you more energy, make you feel strong get you to your goals.  Please search and set goals – whether it’s every year (calendar, school or birthday) or every month/week/day, please find them, remember them and hold them close.  Don’t do it for me – do it for you!

Use the technique of SMART goals:

Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Relevant – Timely

Write them down, you don’t have to show anyone or tell anyone – these are yours.

With love,


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