Embrace You

I’ve always been self-conscious of my body, along with most of the world- let’s be real.  It’s such a shame we do this to ourselves.  What the media shows isn’t always real/attainable, if it’s not photo-shop it’s a of gallon of make-up, an injection or surgery.  It’s unrealistic for us to look at and long to reach if theirs isn’t real.  So I want you to think of that next time you see some image on IG or Facebook that makes you feel negative towards yourself.  People show their “best self” and nothing else.

We always want what we don’t have- we must switch to loving what we have. We have one body and one life so treat yourself like it!  Some days I think so negative and others I am so positive.  I mean, man in 20, 30, 40 years I will be yelling at my young self “you thought you didn’t look good then!? You’re crazy!!” Look at yourself through a different perspective – someone who loves you dearly like a best friend or loved one.  They think you’re beautiful no matter what because well, you’re you! You’re an individual.

Personally I think anyone is beautiful that is confident in their own skin, no matter your shape, size, age, etc.   I’m learning this for myself, on days I feel confident, I’m not negative towards myself and I know it’s more attractive to those around me.  When we see pictures of these people/celebrities that look so glamorous.  What are they being? confident! Try it next time you’re feeling down, go do something that makes YOU feel good.  What makes me feel good? A run or awesome deadlift session!  Find you.

In the end we are human, we are soft, jiggly, get food in our teeth and maybe skip too many days in the gym every so often. It’s life, it’s okay. Do what makes you happy.

** If we all ate the same and worked out the same, we’d STILL LOOK DIFFERENT!**

Ps- seeing this picture of myself where I look so confident and happy in my skin make me smile, make me proud!