Making a Habit!

On average research has shown it takes 66 days to form a habit.  Some are easier than others…. I mean am I right!  Growing up our parents tried to create good habit in us.  Get home from school do your homework, put it away, pick out your clothes for the next day.  As an adult, we don’t have someone to remind us of the things that keep us grounded, un-forgetful and on schedule.  But we know that creating a schedule, timeline or order of events for ourselves helps!  Does this mean you you HAVE to do this everyday the rest of your life? No. Does this mean you would get more s*** done. Very likely!

Pro tip for clients and humans: plan your week in advanced.  This truly does not only set you up to get more done but creates more balance throughout your day.  So, at some point on Sunday or Monday (whichever stresses you less) set 10-20 minutes aside to plan out your week ahead!  Specifically, if you KNOW you WILL NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT workout after work – you know what that means. Workout in the MORNING!  Pack your gym bag the night before and plan to get there!  Therefore, you are done with your workout and at work by 8 or 9am which is AMAZING.  I’m personally jealous and rarely get this luxury!  OR if you’re a PM workout person pack your bag the night before and BRING it to work.  Do NOT go home to give yourself the chance to accidentally sit on your couch and get stuck after a hectic day and never leave!  So, don’t forget to pack that pre workout snack with you as well!

I compare workout scheduling to previously being a collegiate athlete or having a trainer everyday.  You set the time and you go.  We had practice at 4pm and if you weren’t there, well that was a problem.  You can’t just skip or go when you feel like it, or you will not get to run the race you want, let alone be any good at it… because the result you want takes time.  Goals take sweat, grit, slumps, likely tears, probably stress, nerves, smiles, hopefully some laughs and memories of a lifetime.  It’s all worth it.  Anyways, imagine you’re in college and SET A TIME.  Gym – everyday (or MWF) 6pm.  There’s no option or thinking of skipping, after ~66 days you won’t hesitate.

Set the standard for yourself.  You can do it I swear!  Trust me, I’m human too, I’ve struggled with this myself.  Do you know how many times I’ve sat on my couch tank on, heart rate monitor on, braid done, shoes on… sitting there with dread to open the door.  Procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow.  Now, once you’re out the door everything gets easier!  Just like once you walk into the gym it’s game time!  I still struggle with this in the gym, because I don’t have a completely consistent set schedule (like a 9 to 5) and the last thing I want to do after training 5 people in a row is workout… After a day at the office don’t you want to leave? I have the same struggle!  So I try my best to give myself a time frame – “In 30 minutes my warmup starts it will be 15 minutes and my workout will be an hour”.  Then I look at the time and know exactly when I get to leave.

This use of time/scheduling is insanely helpful.  Look at your clock and set a time for a date with you and gym/Jim.  We like gym, he’s a good guy, he’s always there. Gym wants you to go hangout!!  Plan ahead!

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